Free Martial Arts Classes

by | Feb 13, 2025

From March 17th 2025 we are going to be offering FREE Martial arts classes. We will be covering the complete beginners course of 7 sessions.

Normally this would be £50. But for a trial period we are going to be offering the complete beginners course as a free trial.

Free Martial Arts Classes – What’s Covered?

The trial beginners course will cover some of the basic fundamentals of the Wing Chun system. This will include:

  • Stance and grounding
  • Lap sau exercise
  • Dan Chi sau exercise
  • Poon Sau
  • Chi Sau

Over the 7 week course we will cover some basic Wing Chun drills. This will enable you to understand one of the core training tools of the Wing Chun system – Chi Sau.


Most people look at chi sau and wonder what it is. Chi Sau is a little like putting a fight into a game scenario. Only in order to play the game, you first need to learn the rules.

Chi sau is such an effective tool to learn how to fight that Bruce Lee added it to his system of Jeet Kune Do. Much of Jeet Kune Do priniples come from Wing Chun.

Tim and Frank in Chi Sau

Free Martial Arts Classes - Proper Use Of Stance

The stance is an important stepping stone in Wing Chun. Without a proper connection to the ground through the use of proper stance, power is lost when hitting and force cannot be easily redirected when blocking.

Most of Wing Chun relies on striking. The force of a strike is predicated by your connection with the ground. So it makes sense to start with how you stand and the implications of this in attacking and defending.

testing the stance

Free Wing Chun Classes - Dan Chi Sau

Chi sau is a complicated training tool which aims to help you understand how to defend and attack simultaneously with both arms at very close range.

To learn Chi Sau properly, you must first learn the basic single sticking hand drill, or Dan Chi Sau as it is known – meaning single sticking hand. 

Dan Chi Sau teaches you how to direct a committed attack down the centreline, but to abandon it should it be deflected. This skill is something which has huge implications for close quarters in-fighting. Most people over commit an attack, so are forced to withdraw, or defend with the other hand. 

Dan Chi sau teaches you to attack down the centreline, but give up the attack as soon as it becomes untenable, allowing you to defend with the attacking arm. 

Lap Sau Exercise

Punches at close range are very fast and so you need to be able to defend equally as fast when you are facing off to your training partner. Lap sau exercise teaches the automatic reaction of the elbow, among other important principles such as withdrawing the guard hand and avoiding a trap. You’ll also learn how to use turns to avoid/deflect an attack.

free martial arts lessons

Pak Sau Exercise

Pak sau exercise teaches you to advance using the footwork while simultaneously removing a blocking technique with a pak, or slapping hand. The pak sau exercise is important at close range and allows you to strike through a contact with your opponents arm much faster than they can react to defend it. 

free martial arts lessons

Poon Sau - Rolling Arms

Poon sau exercise, or rolling arms is a drill to help you understand correct positions on both the inside and outside of your opponents arms. It allows you to understand changes and maintaining the centreline dominance to defend yourself while controlling centreline. 

poon sau rolling arms - bruce lee and Ip man

Free Martial Arts Classes - Chi Sau - Sticky Hands

Steve and Pete chi sau

The aim of the beginners course is to get you to be able to play chi sau with other students and during the course you will parner up with the main class to take a part while you are learning the basics. 

Chi sau is the training drill which is said to be the “heart” of the Wing Chun system. It allows you to interplay with your opponents positions and attack and defend simultaneously with both hands. 

Join The Beginners Course

If you’re interested in joining the free beginners course starting from 17th March 2025 sign up to the list on this website and you’ll receive a notification when the next beginners course will run.