women's only martial arts

Would you be interested in women’s only martial arts? Sadly Wing Chun seems to appeal mostly to men which is a shame. Particularly as it was developed by a woman. As legend has it, Wing Chun takes its name from Yim Wing Chun, the women it was taught to by another woman, Ng Mui. Ng Mui was a nun and martial arts master of the Shaolin temple.

If you’re looking for a woman’s only martial arts class, let me know by filling out the form on this page and adding your comments.

We often run workshops and beginners courses throughout the year. If there’s interest, I’ll run a women’s only martial arts session. We’ll cover the basics of Wing Chun or more in-depth Wing Chun for more experienced practitioners. If you’re a woman Wing Chun practitioner I’d like to hear from you.

Womens Only Martial Arts

Let me know of your interest by adding your name to our contact list and add your comments. Mention this post in your form!