Looking for adult self defence classes? As an adults only school we’ve got you covered! Wing chun is one of the most effective styles for street self defence. The style is know to have originally be developed by a woman and so is useful to neutralise a stronger and bigger opponent quickly and in the shortest possible time.

Classes are focused around the Wing Chun system through a series of exercises designed to help you understand:

  • Power generation – generating power for strikes from short distances
  • Absorbing force through correct use and alignment of the stance and limbs
  • Utilising the rotation of the spine

Adult Self Defence Classes

Classes are informal and relaxed and you will initially learn the basic stance and how the arms connect to the ground for generation of power. We focus classes around forms and chi sau, with some street orientated techniques for testing. We also cover testing of structure through partner drills designed to help you understand proper alignment.

The mindfulness of Wing Chun forms can also help in your daily life through form practice. Any practice where you are forced to focus completely on the activity can be likened to meditation. In Chi Sau and form practice, you much completely focus on what you’re doing to improve. This not only brings you into the present moment, and stops the endless thinking process, but you’re also learning a very practical skillset at the same time.

Wing Chun is known for its close range and effectiveness. It has low kicks and strikes, mostly to the upper body. But Wing Chun is a concept based martial art too which means the concepts you learn can translate to other fighting styles too.

Learn more about Shu Shong Tin Wing Chun in this article here.