Wing Chun is one of the best martial arts for older adults and can be practiced into old age. Wing Chun Kung Fu is a concept based martial art which is considered to be one of the three great martial art styles of Southern China. It was founded during the Qing Dynasty by a Buddhist nun, Ng Mui, of the famed Shaolin Temple.
Much of Wing Chun’s practice revolves around a sticky hands practice called Chi Sau. In chi sau, both proponents attempt to attack down the centreline towards their opponent. However, they must not give up their defence in doing so. What evolves from this practice is a game like structure which teaches you fighting skills. Here’s a video of Grandmaster Ip Chun (now in his late 90’s) practicing chi sau with instructor Matt Issacs from Bridlington Wing Chun (towering over Ip Chun!).
Martial Arts For Older Adults – What Is Chi Sau?
Chi sau means sticky or sticking arms/hands. Two practitioners interlock their arms and attempt to disrupt their opponent’s balance or position. They either attack the stance or attempt to land a strike to their opponent. Two skilful opponents will be able to deflect and nullify their opponent’s attacks, so you won’t see much happening. But if one were to make a mistake, you would see the other launch an attack instantaneously.
One of Wing Chun’s main concepts is that of Luk Sau Jik Kuen – “upon loss of contact, rush in”, or “lost hand strike forward”. This is should happen automatically as soon as contact is lost. Therefore, if your opponent removes his arm from yours, you immediately strike forwards.
Chi Sau is “played” rather than fought so that both practitioners can tighten their positions and learn to connect their mass to their arms. In the right spirit, chi sau is a very enjoyable activity which teaches you correct body position, use of techniques, weight distribution, reaction timing and use of energy.
With hands constantly in contact with your partner, you can dramatically increase your reaction speed; since you’re not reacting to visual signals which need to be sent to the brain and back to the body. Wing Chun is known for its speed and it was Bruce Lee who first brought international acclaim to the style before the Ip Man movies were released about Bruce’s teacher and modern day founder of the Wing Chun style.

Martial Arts For Older Adults – Wing Chun Forms
Most of Wing Chun is from a standing position. You won’t see high kicks or ground work, so you don’t need to be super flexible or to be constantly getting up from the floor, having been thrown! Wing Chun’s highest kick is to the waist, (or however high you can kick)! It’s focus is mainly on low kicks, and strikes to the upper body. So although Wing Chun is an effective style, (known as the style you can practice in a phone box), it’s also a good style to practice if you have limited mobility and without hard contact.
The forms comprise of sets of movement which you can practice alone as part of your training. The first form is a rather simple looking set you can see in this video of Shu Shong Tin:
Siu Lim/Nim Tao – Nim Tao
One of the most fascinating parts of learning Wing Chun is the unseen “mind power” hidden in this form. Siu Lim Tao is the name of the first form and means “the way of the little idea”, or “little idea form”. Chu Shong Tin called the hidden power of Wing Chun Nim Lik: force of idea or intent. See also the hidden power of Siu Lim Tao. ‘Nim Lik’ is the power of a highly focused mind. It helps one bring forth ‘Qi’ flow into every part of the body.
Siu Nim/Lim Tao is a great tool to invoke mind focus power. If properly practiced, one can deliver this kind of power at will in every instance. The mind can stay focused even when the structure is adjusting or moving at high speed. So to achieve ‘Nim Lik’ is the goal of Siu Nim Tao.
Regular practice of Siu Nim Tao comes with many other health benefits besides the martial aspects. It can be practiced by anyone of any age and you don’t need any equipment to do it – Siu Nim Tao is your “portable gym” – take it anywhere and make it a life long practice!